Most of it seemed pretty straight forward and common sense, but there were a few I'd not heard about. Specifically the bit about persimmons, peaches, and plums. Not only was I not aware that the pits contained cyanide, but didn't realize how dangerous they could be to pets. Not that I'd ever considered giving my dogs any of these items, but it's good to know.
That article made me decide to search for other tips for keeping your pets safe during the holiday season. This time of year our homes become chaotic maelstroms with holiday decorations, extra guest in the house, and lots and lots of food and sweets within reach of curious pet noses it seems a good idea to give some time and thought to how this could affect your furry family members. So here are a few more articles on holiday pet safety I discovered.
More Safety Tips from Drs. Foster and Smith
Helping your pet cope with visitors. Important if you have an antisocial dog like KoKo.
Until next time, have a safe Christmas!
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